Japan Declines to carry on with the Kyoto Protocol

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In what could be trouble in the long term for everyone on the planet to manage greenhouse gasses, Japan has said that it will not agree to signing on to the second term of the Kyoto protocol.

"There is no question of extending the second commitment period, It's is not in our national interest," Japan said at the Cancun climate summit.

The Kyoto Protocol has been the main stage on which the entire climate change talks have been progressing.

It was drafted in 1997 in Japan and adopted as the way ahead under the UNFCCC to undertake climate change.
Under the protocol, countries were put in Annexure 1 and 2 - 1 being the list of urbanized nations on whom the burden of providing finance, technology and also dipping their carbon emissions was put as it was established that the developed nations had primarily been responsible for climate change.

The US never signed up, saying that it left out countries like India and China whose emission had increased.


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